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google blogger tutorial for beginners

Google Blogger Tutorial for Beginners: Free Google Blogger Course

Google Blogger tutorial for beginners, this is complete free courses. I have provided below my video and notes. Make sure you watch them.

Google Blogger is a good platform for new bloggers. It’s free, easy to use, and has great integration with Google AdSense which means that you can make money from your blog.

In this guide we will take you through setting up your blog, writing content that engages readers and optimizing it for SEO to maximize your earnings.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Google Blogger Account

Creating Your Blog

Sign Up: Go to Blogger and sign in using your Google account.

Create a New Blog: Click on “Create New Blog”, give it a name and choose a URL.

Choose a Theme: Select a theme that matches the niche or aesthetic of your blog.

Customizing Your Blog

Layout and Design: Under “Theme” and “Layout” sections; customize how your blog looks in terms of layout and design.

Essential Pages: Create important pages like About, Contact etc.

Widgets & Gadgets : Add widgets such as search bar or popular posts gadgets to enhance user experience on your blog

Step 2: Writing Engaging & SEO Optimized Content

Content Creation with ChatGPT

Topic Selections : Use tools like Google Trends or Ubersuggest to find trending topics in your niche.

SEO Keywords : Find relevant SEO keywords for your topic using Ahrefs or SEMrush etc.

Example Prompt for ChatGPT:


Copy code Hey there! You’re an expert at writing SEO articles. I need an SEO title, description, content – at least 1500 words. I will provide the keywords/topic. Keyword “benefits of social media marketing”. Topic = “Five Benefits of Social Media Marketing”.

Structuring Your Post

Title & Subheadings : Have an eye-catching title; use subheadings (H2/H3) to break down the content .

Introduction : Keep it short but gripping .

Body : Write short paragraphs packed with info (2-3 sentences each). Bullet points and bolding can be used to highlight important points .

Conclusion : Summarize the main points; include a call-to-action.

Example of Structured Post :

Title: Five Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Introduction: Social media marketing provides various benefits for businesses. Here are five key advantages.


Increased Brand Awareness

More Inbound Traffic

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Higher Conversion Rates

Better Customer Satisfaction

Step 3: Optimizing Your Blog for SEO

On-Page SEO

Keyword Placement : Use keywords naturally throughout the post – in title, subheadings, body etc.

Meta Description : Write a compelling meta description that includes your primary keyword .

Image Alt Text : Use descriptive alt text for images with relevant keywords .

Off-Page SEO

Backlinks : Get backlinks from trustworthy sites to increase your blog’s authority .

Internal Links : Link to other relevant posts within your blog to drive more engagement from readers .

Example of External and Internal Links :

External Link : Facebook Marketing Benefits

Internal Link : How to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Step 4: Monetizing Your Blog with Google AdSense

Applying for AdSense

Sign Up: Go to Google AdSense and sign up.

Ad Placement: Place ads at strategic locations on your blog for maximum visibility.

Maximizing Earnings

Content Quality: Ensure all content is high-quality and engaging so as to attract more visitors.

SEO Optimization: Keep optimizing content for SEO purposes in order to attract organic traffic.

Regular Posting: Be consistent with how often you post so that people stay interested in the long run.

Step 5: Promoting Your Blog

Social Media Marketing

Share Your Posts : Share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn regularly.

Engage with Fans: Respond to comments and interact with your fans to build stronger loyalty.

Email Advertising

Build an Email List: Use MailChimp or ConvertKit etc. to create and manage your email list.

Send Newsletters: Send out newsletters regularly with updates and links to your most recent blog posts.


Starting a blog on Google Blogger is very rewarding. Following this step-by-step guide will enable you create interesting SEO-friendly content and monetize it effectively through Google AdSense. However, don’t forget about constantly improving your website as well as keeping up with new SEO trends while interacting with the readership too.

Questions or extra tips? Leave them down below in the comments – let’s chat! Enjoy blogging!

This tutorial is perfect for beginners who have never created a google blogger tutorial for beginners blog before. Stick to these steps, keep learning from them, tweaking things if need be – eventually, your blog will start attracting readers and making some money as well.

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