Numbers For Mac: Be Like Pro in Apple Numbers or Mac Numbers
What You'll Learn?
- Basic to Advance everything about Apple Numbers or Mac Numbers
- Building interactive sheets using pop-up menu,checkboxes, star rating etc.
- Use formulas to perform calculations
- Create single and multi-table spreadsheets in Numbers
- Create simple lists of records as spreadsheets
- Working with 2D,3D and interactive charts to present data.
- Create charts from spreadsheet data
- Manipulate spreadsheet elements to create forms and data sheets
- Use logical function in spreadsheets
- Export and share spreadsheets
- Working with spreadsheets,tables,cells etc.
- Data manipulation, presentation and formatting.
- Numbers interface and important terminologies regarding spreadsheets.
- Creating Multi-sheets projects and linking different sheets in your file.
- Performing basic and advance calculations using simple and complex formulas like IF ,COUNT & COUNTA,COUNTIF & COUNTIFS, SUM, SUMIF & SUMIFS etc.
- Working with Shapes and Media.
- Much more.
- This course will teach you the basics and many advanced techniques for creating and using spreadsheets with Numbers on your Mac. If you want to use Numbers at home or work but have no previous spreadsheet experience, this course starts at the beginning. If you have used other spreadsheet apps like Excel, this could can help you switch to Numbers.
- This course would be helpful for intermediate user who needs to learn much more than just the basics.
- This course is perfect for a first time beginner who wants to learn about spreadsheets program like Numbers.
- This course will be helpful for students, accountant, data analyst , office employees etc.
- They should have Numbers version 3.6 or newer installed on their Mac from the Mac App Store.
- Nothing required, everything taught inside this course from scratch to advance
- 3.5 hours on-demand video
- 1 article
- 8 downloadable resources
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion
Course Content
Complete Guide to Mac Numbers & Apple Numbers
Practical Examples 1: Expenses Report
Formulas Using: Tips & Trick
Practical Examples 2: Checkbook Report
Sorting, Filtering & Multiple Tables
Practical Examples 3: Mortgage Report
Practical Examples 4: Personal Review
Cell Orders & Colour Background
Creating Charts in Numbers
Designing Spreadsheets
Practical Examples 5: Product Sheet
Complex Formula A
Practical Examples 6: Due Date
Complex Formula B
Exporting & Advanced Topics
Practical Examples 7: Sale Sheet
Updates in Numbers
- Downloadable Resources