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Mailchimp Alternatives: 3 Best Mailchimp Competitors to Try Now!

If you are looking for Mailchimp alternatives, then you’re in good company. As someone who has worked as a digital marketer for many years, I know that it’s important to find an email service provider that meets your specific needs.

Although Mailchimp is the most popular option, there are other platforms out there with more features, easier interfaces and better prices. In this post, I will discuss three of my favorite email marketing systems which can be used instead of MailChimp: Mailerlite, SendFox and Mautic.

Why Should You Consider Using an Alternative to Mailchimp?

Before I get into the details of each platform, it’s important to understand why people might look for competitors of Mailchimp. The tool itself is great but sometimes its pricing can be seen as too high by some users especially when dealing with large lists while others may need enhanced automation capabilities or require better user experience altogether not mentioning about more responsive support department. So whatever your reason may be – exploring these services might just help you find something better suited for your requirements.

Mailerlite: Affordable & Feature Packed


Mailerlite is one of those cheap alternatives to MailChimp that have been around forever because they work well without breaking the bank. For small business owners who want simplicity and powerful features at an affordable price point – this should be your go-to e-mail marketing tool.

Sign up for MailerLite from here.

Key Features

User-Friendly Interface: Their drag-and-drop editor makes creating emails easy even if you’re not tech-savvy.

Automation: You can create some pretty complex email sequences with their advanced automation workflows based on user behavior triggers etc.

Landing Pages & Pop-Ups: These integrated tools are great for capturing leads through sign up forms placed strategically across your site pages etc.

Analytics: It goes without saying – detailed reports help analyze campaign performance thus enabling fine tuning strategies.


The best thing about Mailerlite is their pricing. They offer a free plan for up to 1000 subscribers after which you can upgrade from as low as $10/month. This means that it’s much more affordable than Mailchimp especially when your list starts growing.

Why Mailerlite is Better Than Mailchimp

SendFox: Limited Budget Option

If you are on a tight budget but still want something better than what MailChimp offers then look no further than SendFox. This platform has been specifically designed for content creators and entrepreneurs who just need basic functionality without all the bells and whistles associated with other similar providers out there.

Sign Up for SendFox (Lifetime Offer) here

Key Features

Simple Interface: Setting up campaigns on SendFox is quite easy thanks to its clean user interface design elements etc.

Unlimited Emails: Yes, even their free account allows users to send unlimited emails each month which should be music to frequent communicators’ ears.

Automation: Although basic – autoresponders and simple workflows can still be achieved through this feature set etc.

Integrations: Being able to connect your WordPress site, Zapier account or social media profiles directly with SendFox is definitely convenient for most people.


What sets SendFox apart from the rest though is their unique lifetime deal pricing model starting at only $49 one time payment. You heard me right – there are no monthly fees involved here so if minimizing ongoing costs while maximizing quality service delivery sounds appealing then give them a try today!

Why SendFox is Better Than Mailchimp

SendFox wins against Mailchimp when it comes down to pricing strategy plus unlimited email sending capabilities too. While it may lack some advanced features found in competitors such as automation tools like ActiveCampaign -this simplicity combined with cost effectiveness makes them hard to beat.

Mautic: Complex & Powerful


Mautic is another open source email marketing software that can be considered as one of the top alternatives to MailChimp in terms of being feature-rich. The key difference here though lies within its flexibility and control levels offered to users since it’s a self-hosted solution.

Key Features

Open Source Customization: Mautic’s open nature allows total customization for any business with unique needs etc.

Advanced Automation: Mautic is great at automation as it has complex workflows and segmentation.

Multi-Channel Marketing: It supports email, SMS, social media etc for a complete marketing solution.

Detailed Analytics: In depth reporting and analytics enable data driven decision making.


Mautic is free but needs hosting which can be expensive. However this may be more cost effective in the long run compared to subscription based services.

Why Mautic is Better Than Mailchimp

In my opinion, being open source plus having advanced capabilities makes Mautic better for businesses that require a lot of customization and control. Additionally, its multi-channel support offers a more holistic approach to marketing than Mailchimp does.

You can also Join my Mautic course, to setup Mautic on VPS and send bulk emails. Also, we will guide step by step on how to use Mautic as well.


Selecting the right email marketing service is critical to the success of your business. While Mailchimp is good, other alternatives such as Mailerlite, SendFox or Mautic may be better depending on what you need. Mailerlite provides a flexible and affordable solution while SendFox has a lifetime deal for budget conscious users; on the other hand Mautic gives unmatched flexibility for those who require extensive customization.

I encourage you to try them out and think about what exactly suits your requirements and budget best. Did you ever use any of these alternatives? Tell us about your experience with them in the comments below! Let’s talk – together we can discover top tools for our email marketing!