Data Analytics: Project 1: Myntra

Analysis of Myntra Apparel

Problem Statement: You are working at Myntra, a leading online fashion retailer. The management has asked you to analyze a dataset of various apparel items to gain insights into pricing, discounts, ratings, and available sizes.

Dataset Link:  Myntra Fasion Clothing.csv

Project Questions

A. Data Cleaning and Preparation

  1. Check for duplicate values in your dataset and remove them.
  2. Standardize the “DiscountOffer” column to a single format, ensuring all values are uniform.
  3. Identify rows where both “DiscountPrice” and “DiscountOffer” are null and fill the “DiscountPrice” with the average discount price    of the respective category.
  4. Replace all null values in the “SizeOption” column with the text “Not Available.”

B. Data Analysis

  1. Calculate the overall average original price for products with ratings greater than 4.
  2. Count the number of products with a discount offer greater than 50% OFF.
  3. Count the number of products available in size “M.”
  4. Create a new column to label the products as “High Discount” if the discount offer is greater than 50% OFF, otherwise label them as “Low Discount.”

C. Data Retrieval and Lookup

  1. Use VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP to find the product brand, price, and rating of the product with Product_id “11226634”.
  2. Find the “DiscountPrice” for the product with the Product ID “6744434” using the INDEX and MATCH functions.
  3. Utilize nested xlookup to find any column’s detail of a product with it’s product id.


  1. Answer all the questions carefully.
  2. Present your answers to each question in well designed decks (slides) and submit the file in the PDF format.

Points to keep in mind:

  1. You can use tools like Google Slides, PowerPoint or even tools like Figma, Canva, Pitch (or any other tool of your choice) to create the slide. You can either directly save it as a PDF, or export it as image and add it to your deck.
  2. There’s no recommended template or format for the slide. Feel free to use your own creativity to showcase your approach and thought process.

Finally, don’t worry if you seem a little confused or feel challenged at the moment. Productive struggle is part of the learning process, and by the end of the week – you should have a lot more clarity on how to solve this.

One day at a time.

Done is better than perfect!✨

Good luck! We’re rooting for you.